A Guide to PR Link Building and Why It is Important for SEO

Sumeet Anand

Sumeet Anand

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In today’s interconnected world, it’s essential to go beyond traditional media and embrace the power of digital to reach your audience effectively.

Digital PR harnesses the best of both worlds, combining time-tested PR practices like media relations and press releases with innovative approaches like content marketing, social media engagement, and influencer collaborations.

The ultimate goal of digital PR?

To establish a formidable online presence for your business.

By seamlessly integrating various strategies, it ensures a consistent and compelling brand message across multiple digital channels.

In this guide on PR link building, we’ll discuss how you can make the most of this strategy to grow your brand presence and reputation.

Understanding PR Link Building

Digital PR involves reaching out to journalists, influencers, and media outlets to share stories about your products or business.

By creating well-crafted press releases and pitching them to relevant sources, you can get articles published that talk about your business and link back to your website. 

These links are called editorial backlinks. These links are powerful because they bring more people to your website and show search engines that your website is trustworthy. 

As a result, your website’s visibility and authority improve, helping it rank higher in search results.

Why Do You Need PR Link Building?

PR link building is a powerful strategy that helps you, regardless of your niche, and offers multiple benefits. The benefits of this white-hat SEO link building technique include:

  • Enhance search engine rankings with backlinks from reputable websites.
  • Increase website traffic through authoritative sources.
  • Build credibility and authority by connecting with reputable sites.
  • Expand brand awareness to new audiences.
  • Boost referral traffic from relevant sources.
  • Improve online reputation with positive mentions.
  • Stay ahead of competitors with active PR link building.
  • Enjoy long-term benefits from high-quality backlinks.
  • Effectively promote content by reaching out to influencers and journalists.
  • Support digital marketing campaigns by complementing your content marketing and SEO efforts.

PR Link Building: 5 Strategies to Get High-Quality Links

PR link building is not a simple task. It requires a thoughtful and strategic approach.

In this section, we’ll guide you through the important aspects of PR link building and share useful tips to create good links for your website.

1. Create newsworthy content

Journalists are inundated with countless pitches and press releases daily. To stand out from the crowd, your content needs to be compelling and newsworthy.

Here are some tips to create newsworthy content that gets published on reputable websites or publications:

  • Identify your unique angle. To stand out in a crowded market, it’s crucial to find a unique angle or perspective that sets your business apart.

Whether it’s an innovative product, a socially-responsible initiative, or a disruptive approach to solving industry challenges, focus on what makes your business special. Highlight that in your content.

Conduct original research that can provide valuable industry insights to attract media attention and shares from influencers.

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Conduct surveys, studies, or collect data related to your niche that hasn’t been explored before. Share the findings in a well-documented and visually-appealing format to increase the chances of media coverage and backlinks.

Showcase impact. Highlight real-life examples, case studies, and success stories to demonstrate your brand’s value, attracting media attention and building backlinks.

real-life examples


  • Offer expert insights. Positioning yourself or your team members as industry experts can add credibility to your content. 

Offer expert insights


Contribute thought-provoking opinion pieces, expert commentary, or in-depth analysis of current industry trends or challenges. You can also participate in expert roundups or use platforms like Featured and HARO for link building.

Utilize newsjacking. Keep an eye on trending topics and create content that ties in with these conversations.



By offering insights or even funny memes related to the latest news, you increase the chances of your content being picked up and linked to by media outlets.

2. Collaborate with influencers

When influencers endorse your brand or content, it adds credibility and trust to your message. Their sway over their followers can significantly impact their perception of your business.

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Moreover, influencers can create various content formats such as videos, blog posts, or social media shoutouts, making your link-building efforts more diverse and engaging.

To leverage influencer collaborations for PR link building:

  • Identify relevant influencers in your niche using tools like BuzzSumo or Social Blade.
  • Build relationships by engaging with them on social media and sharing their content.
  • Provide value with exclusive access to products, services, or industry insights.
  • Collaborate on content, such as guest blog posts or videos, showcasing your brand or expertise.
  • Utilize social shares to amplify the reach of their content, increasing the chances of reciprocal sharing and backlinks.
  • Monitor results using analytics tools to track engagement and the impact of backlinks on your website traffic and search engine rankings.

3. Engage in guest blogging

Guest posting remains one of the most legitimate and effective methods for building high-quality backlinks. The primary focus is to provide valuable content that resonates with your target audience. Acquiring links is an added benefit.

In fact, experts agree that it is the best method to earn backlinks if you want to avoid negative consequences.

Guest blogging engagement


Finding the right websites for guest blogging is crucial to ensure that your efforts yield valuable backlinks and exposure. Here is how to find such websites:

  • Define your target audience. It will help you identify websites that align with your niche and audience group, and can bring relevant traffic to your website.
  • Use keyword research tools to discover popular topics and keywords related to your niche. Look for websites that rank well for these keywords, as they likely have a significant and engaged audience.
  • Analyze where your competitors have published guest posts and assess the quality and authority of those websites. Consider targeting the same websites or finding similar ones within your industry.
  • Check on search engines and directories like Google and Bing to find websites that accept guest post contributions. Search for terms like “write for us,” “guest post guidelines,” or “submit a guest post” along with your industry keywords.
  • Assess domain authority and traffic of potential guest posting sites using tools like Moz, Ahrefs, and Similarweb. Ideally, you should aim for sites with high domain rating, authority and substantial traffic to ensure your efforts yield valuable results.

After identifying suitable websites, thoroughly review their guest post guidelines. Check the topics they accept, their preferred content style, word count requirements, and other submission guidelines to tailor your pitches effectively.

Next, proactively reach out to website owners or editors with personalized pitches.

Introduce yourself professionally, highlight your expertise, and explain the value your guest post will bring to their audience. You can also suggest unique and engaging topic ideas for your post.

4. Participate in industry events

Industry events often attract key players, industry influencers, and journalists, offering you a chance to connect with them directly.

By showcasing your expertise and engaging in meaningful conversations, you can position yourself as a thought leader in your field, which can lead to media coverage and valuable backlinks.

industry events


To fully utilize industry events for PR link building, follow these tips:

  • Offer value. Share valuable insights during discussions or presentations to attract media attention. Make sure you introduce your brand and what you do before sharing your knowledge with the audience.
  • Utilize social media to expand your reach and visibility. Use event hashtags and tag relevant brands and people in your posts.
  • Follow up after the event. Send personalized emails to the connections you made during the event. Express gratitude or offer additional resources.
  • Create engaging content like compelling blog posts or articles about your experience during the event, attracting potential backlinks and engagement.

5. Share testimonials and reviews of your business

Share positive feedback received about products, services, or experiences related to your business. Other websites may want to link to it.



Contact businesses or websites where you want your testimonials to appear and share them on social media. Building good relationships with these businesses can lead to more backlink opportunities in the future.

Ready to Get Started with Link Building PR?

Remember, link building PR requires dedication, patience, and persistence. Building relationships with media outlets and influencers takes time, but the rewards in terms of increased visibility, traffic, and website authority will be well worth the effort. 

So, are you ready to take your PR efforts to the next level? Start implementing these strategies and watch your business thrive in the digital landscape.


What is the difference between link building and digital PR?

Link building aims to acquire backlinks for improved search rankings, while digital PR focuses on building relationships with journalists for media coverage and brand exposure.

How do I create digital PR?

To create digital PR, identify target media outlets and journalists, craft compelling press releases and pitches, and reach out to them via email or social media. Provide valuable insights, data, or stories to capture their interest and secure media coverage for your business.

Which are the top tools for digital PR link building?

Some of the top tools/platforms for digital PR link building are:

  • HARO (Help a Reporter) – Connects journalists and sources for media opportunities
  • BuzzStream – Helps manage influencer outreach campaigns, tracks communication, and builds relationships with influencers
  • Ahrefs – Helps analyze backlinks and competitor link profiles
  • Semrush – Provides insights on competitor’s link building strategies and opportunities

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